Friday, August 04, 2006

Baby's First Kiss

Last night (8/3), I went with my parents to visit Kyle. When we arrived, Kyle was positioned on his belly, looking quite comfortable. He kept moving his legs around like he was trying to crawl away. It was so good to see him wiggling around. We had really good timing for showing up because the nurse, Amber, was just getting ready to do "hands on" with Kyle, which is where the nurse changes the diaper and does stuff like suctioning and weighing. She lifted the top of the incubator and we were able to take some good pictures of him while she took care of him. Kyle opened his eyes wide open while Amber changed his tiny little diaper (see picture below), trying very hard to see what she was doing. Before she could quite get the clean diaper on, our little comedian started peeing. Kyle's color looks really good and he's doing better on the regular ventillator. Before we left, the nurse asked if I'd like her to take the side of the ventillator down so I could give Kyle a kiss! Definitely YES! So I gave Kyle his first kiss before saying goodnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and my deepest sympathies for you two. Was great to see you both in church on Sunday. Please let me know if you need anything!!!!

What a great idea (blog) in order to keep everyone updated. You are a good writer.

With lots of love and prayers,