Thursday, September 21, 2006

More Visiting With Kyle

Yesterday (9/20), I went again to visit Kyle. Chris was home with an upset stomach so he watched Hannah while I was gone.

The nurse told me that I wouldn't be able to hold Kyle that day because he had just gotten his vaccinations earlier that morning and was not too happy about them. They had also given him Tylenol for the pain which gave him a nice little smile most of the time but any time he tried kicking his feet, his expression would quickly change since the shots had been done in his feet.

The nurse also told me that Kyle's ventillator settings were up again because Tuesday night he had decided to yank his ventillator tube out, himself. He decided after the tube was out that he didn't like it out. They had re-intubated him and he was back down to 39% by the time I showed up around Noon.

Dr. Wadhawan came over to talk to me while I was there and said that if they do the course of steroid treatments again, it would most likely start Friday and may continue for longer than the previous treatment course. He also said that he had reviewed the literature I had found and thought it likely that Kyle had the Pulmonary Artery Calcification linked to Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. It was so nice to hear that from a professional. I had been pretty sure, myself, but I'm not a doctor.

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