Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Little Eyes

I'm actually writing this post in the All Children's Family Waiting Room. Kyle is undergoing laser eye surgery right now for Retinopathy of Prematurity.

While I visited Kyle yesterday, they were prepping him for his eye exam with eye drops. After I left, Dr. Mendelblatt (the opthamologist) checked his eyes and called me immediately to say that Kyle's eyes had gotten progressively worse since the eye exam a week before and he would need laser eye surgery. Without the surgery, Kyle could completely lose vision in both eyes due to retina detatchment so Chris and I decided to approve the surgery. Once they finish this surgery, Kyle will be back in the incubator with a breathing tube temporarily - just to help his recovery.

On a happier note, Kyle was moved over the weekend from "Pod #1" of the NICU (which is where they put the more critical patients) to "Pod #4" (where they put patients who are almost ready for discharge!).

Before the eye exam yesterday, I was holding Kyle and he was showing me his wide range of emotional facial expressions. He would show me his most heart-breaking frown and then transition straight into a huge grin. He even laughed and gave a tiny little cry while I was there. The nurse had also told me that if his repiratory rates had been a little lower, they would have tried him on breastfeeding.

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