Monday, July 31, 2006

Update on Chris

Wednesday (7/26) morning, Chris went to see a new urologist about his kidney stones. This new urologist was surprised to see that he had done an IVP X-ray for the kidney stones. He remarked that IVPs are not very clear and insisted that Chris have a CT Scan, instead. He was also surprised at the frequency Chris has been getting the kidney stones and says that as soon as this kidney stone is treated, he's referring Chris to a nephrologist for prevention. This was a nice change from Chris' previous urologist who would use multiple treatments to break up the kidney stone and then send Chris on his way without any information on prevention. We were beginning to think that we were just a paycheck for him.

Wednesday night and Thursday morning were very painful for Chris and he wasn't able to return to work Thursday as he had planned. Thursday afternoon, he passed two rather large fragments and he felt much better. He was able to return to work Friday relatively free of pain. Unfortunately, without the pain of the kidney stones distracting him and with many offers of sympathy from co-workers, Chris felt the loss of Eric more keenly than he had been able to before.

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