They set me up in another broom closet sized room. (It turns out all their antepartum rooms are that small because those used to be their labor rooms before labor and delivery were combined in one room.) Carey and I thought to get before and after shots this time to show you all how I shrink down after the amnio reductions.

Dr. Prieto performed the amnio reduction again, removing 4.5 liters of fluid this time. It was even more uncomfortable than last time. After the procedure, I was in quite a bit of pain and the doctor explained that since my uterus has been expanding and contracting so much this pregnancy with the amniotic fluid changes, I was experiencing a muscle ache in the uterus. This made sense since it felt exactly like someone had stuck a booster shot or another shot to the muscle right into my belly! - Not pleasant. The doctor assisting Dr. Prieto, Dr. Needham, described it very well as a charley horse in the uterus.

All three doctors who were on the floor at the time of my amnio reduction were in the antepartum room with me but shortly after the procedure was finished, another patient came in with more urgent needs and they all left to attend her. Unfortunately, they left in such a rush, the nurse had to chase them down to get the order for pain killer (Toradol).

Shortly after they administered the Toradol, the uterus pain went away but I was having mild contractions. They gave me an extra dose of the Procardia and I waited for the go ahead to eat and drink, which I didn't get until around 9:00pm. They kept me overnight for observation to be sure that the contractions had stopped and discharged me this morning around 10:00am.
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